Last Friday to Sunday PM Modi was in Varanasi. This time he was in Varanasi as a MP and to kick-start those various hand loom projects and other schemes worth thousand crore he sanctioned three years ago. The extent of his will and work is pretty outstanding. Yes, if we purely view it neutrally then your heart says this. The erstwhile dispensation has been at least trying to establish the principle of welfare state, that's for sure!!
However true that is, Varanasi still stands in ruins. I had a chance to visit Varanasi few years before. The Kashi-Vishveshwar still mesmerizes his devotees as the surrounding locality still stands in ruins. We do have some grudge after watching the dome of the mosque forcefully constructed alongside the temple. Same grudge beams up when we move in through the wee streets of old Varanasi called the 'Kashi' after the famed 'Kashi-Vishveshwar'
The single roads running through the residential areas are all flooded with vehicles rushing through and the garbage littering on sides, pathetic picture. The only place that catches our attention as we walk and gasp through the streets is the Sampark karyalay of Narendra Modi, the MP in the Ravindra Puri area. According to a report, they call it the mini-PMO and around 100 complaints are attended daily it says. It houses six permanent members and RSS volunteers. Now that the local assembly is held by BJP, the number and might may have increased.
Coming to the Mann ki Baar, that was an excellent talk. Increasing and extending the outreach of electricity to remote villages and more was in store. To sum it up it was more of a progress report and givinng the outline of the Swachhata week culminating on 2nd of October Gandhi Jayanti. The Modi government has worked quite on war footing, that's true. But there are more threats internally when you are incumbent they say. So, they are to be found and dealt with. More to come!!
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